KJCA Officers
Kent Junior Chess Association is governed by a voluntary management committee.
For details of all the current members, or if you are interested in volunteering and helping to promote junior chess in Kent and South East London, please contact webmaster@kjca.org
For other general enquiries, please contact the Secretary on e-mail secretary@kjca.org
The current position holders include:
Chairman: Jo Wildman chairman@kjca.org
Secretary: Kathryn Woodward secretary@kjca.org
Treasurer: Emma Holmes treasurer@kjca.org
Chris Ward GM, Chief Coach
Coaching Administration - Iulia Oprea
Teams Manager(s): Chris Ward, Jo Wildman, Andrew Bruce, John Merriman, Robin-Brightley-Davies
Communications Officer: Jo Wildman and Kathryn Woodward webmaster@kjca.org
Tournaments Manager: Anand Verma and Mikhail Sedykh webmaster@kjca.org
Catering and Merchandising Manager: Emma Holmes