KJCA Constitution





(Adopted 8th November 2015)



1)    Adoption of the Constitution


The Association hereby constituted and its property will be administered and managed in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.


2)    Name


The Association shall be called the "Kent Junior Chess Association" (the "Association").


3)    Objects


The Objects of the Association will be to promote the study and playing of chess among people under the age of 18 in Kent, Bexley, Bromley, SE postcode areas of London and certain neighbouring boroughs, by, inter alia, the provision of facilities, including equipment and books, by the provision of online chess activities, by holding chess tournaments and other events, by organising representative teams and by the provision of coaching and the training of coaches.


4)    Membership


a)     Membership is open to individuals or to organisations.


b)     "Honorary Members" may be elected by a General Meeting of the Association and will retain their membership for life unless a different term is specified by the Meeting which elects them or if terminated in accordance with Rule 4 (k (iv)).


c)     The parent or guardian of any member under the age of 16 (a "Junior Member") will themselves be deemed to become a member (a "Parent Member") to act as the representative for the Junior Member.


d)     Members agree to be bound by this Constitution and any other published rules of the Association.


e)     Organisations applying for membership must be based within, or operate within, the geographical bounds of the Association described in Rule 3 and must be approved for membership by the Committee.


f)     A Member Organisation may nominate any person to act as its representative at any meeting of the Association by giving written notice to the Secretary which will remain in force until further written notice.


g)     Annual membership fees will be decided by the Committee before the start of each academic year and will be subsequently approved at the next Annual General Meeting.


h)    Annual membership fees will be decided separately for the following classes of members:

                                      i.     "Individual Members"; and

                                    ii.     "Member Organisations"

Honorary Members are not required to pay annual membership fees.

Parent Members will be required to pay the annual membership fee on behalf of Junior Members but are not required to pay any annual membership fee in respect of themselves.


i)      Membership is not transferable.


j)      The Committee may only refuse an application for membership if, acting reasonably and properly, they consider it to be in the best interests of the Association to refuse the application.

                                      i.     The Committee must inform the applicant in writing of the reasons for the refusal within twenty-one days of the decision;

                                    ii.     The Committee must consider any written representations the applicant may make about the decision provided such representations are received within fourteen days of the decision.  The Committee's decision following any written representations must be notified to the applicant in writing within twenty-one days and shall be final.


k)    Membership is terminated if:

                                      i.     the member dies or, in the case of a member organisation, it ceases to exist;

                                    ii.     The member resigns by written notice to the Secretary;

                                   iii.     any sum due from the member to the Association is not paid in full within six months of it falling due;

                                   iv.     the member is removed from membership by a resolution of the Committee on the grounds that it is in the best interests of the Association that the membership is terminated.  A resolution to remove a member from membership may only be passed if:

(1)  the member has been given at least twenty one days'notice in writing of the meeting of the Committee at which the resolution will be proposed and the reasons why it is to be proposed; and

(2)  the member or, at the option of the member, the member's representative (who need not be a member of the Association) has been allowed to make representations to the meeting.


5)    Officers


a)     At each Annual General Meeting of the Association the following Officers will be elected:

i)               The Chairman;

ii)             The Vice Chairman;

iii)            The Secretary;

iv)            The Treasurer;

v)             The Chief Coach;

vi)            The Head Team Manager(s); and

vii)          Any other appropriate Officer role as elected.


b)     No Officer shall be remunerated for being an Officer of the Association


6)    General Meetings


a)     Annual General Meetings

The Association will hold an Annual General Meeting ("AGM") near the beginning of each autumn term to dispense with the following business:

i)               Approve the minutes of the previous AGM;

ii)             Receive the annual report from the Chairman of the Committee;

iii)            Consider the Annual Financial Report from the Treasurer for the preceding financial year.  Copies of the Annual Financial Report should be circulated together with the notice of the Meeting.

iv)            Receive any other reports from Officers, which may be presented orally;

v)             Consider appointments to management roles within the Association other than Officer roles;

vi)            Elect Officers and not more than eight other people to serve on the Committee;

vii)          Consider the need to appoint an Auditor or Independent Examiner in relation to the Annual Financial Report and supporting documentation;

viii)         Approve the Annual Membership fees for the season

ix)            Any business in respect of which the Secretary has received notice from a Member at least fourteen days before the AGM.

x)             Any other business which the person in the chair sees fit to accept.


b)     Special General Meetings

i)               All general meetings other than the AGM shall be called a Special General Meeting ("SGM").

ii)             A SGM will be held:

(1)  within 60 days at the written request to the Secretary of not less than 10 Members of the Association; or

(2)  By resolution of the Committee.

iii)            Only business on the agenda may be considered at a SGM.


c)     Notice

i)               At least twenty one days written notice shall be given for any General Meeting.

ii)             A General Meeting may be called by shorter notice, if it is so agreed by the Committee.

iii)            The notice must specify the date, time and place of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted.  The notice must say whether the meeting is to be an AGM or a SGM.

iv)            The notice will include an agenda of business to be conducted.

v)             The notice must be given to all of the Members of the Association and to all of the Committee Members.


d)     Quorum

i)               No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum is present;

ii)             The quorum will be 10 Members entitled to vote at the meeting.


e)     Voting

i)               Each member not represented by a Parent Member under rule 4 (c), shall have one vote. Parent Members shall have one vote irrespective of the number of Junior Members they represent. Junior Members do not have the right to vote. Parent Members shall not have a vote additional to the Junior Member or Members for whom they act as representative.

ii)             Any Member eligible to vote may do so at General Meetings.

iii)            Decisions to amend the constitution or dissolve the Association will be passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and eligible to vote at a General Meeting.

iv)            All other decisions will be taken by a simple majority vote.  In the event of an equality of votes on a resolution requiring a simple majority, the person in the chair will have a second and casting vote.


7)    Management


The general management and control of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the Management Committee (the "Committee").


a)     All Committee Members shall be over the age of 16 by 31st August in the preceding year.


b)     The Committee will consist of the Officers of the Association and such other people as the AGM may have elected in accordance with rule 6 (a (vi)).


c)     No Committee Member shall be remunerated for being a member of the Committee.


d)     If a Committee Member resigns or fails, in the opinion of the Committee, to fulfil the duties of their office, the Committee may vote to remove the Member from the Committee.


e)     The Committee may co-opt another Member of the Association to fill the vacancy arising out of the operation of rule 7 (d) until the next AGM.


f)     The Committee may co-opt not more than three additional Members in any one year, who will have full voting rights at Committee meetings.


g)     The Committee may delegate business to sub-committees, who will report back to the Committee.


h)    The Committee will meet within 30 days at the request of the Chairman or the Secretary or any three members of the Committee.


i)      The Secretary will give at least 7 days'notice of all Committee meetings to all Committee members with an agenda of business to be conducted.


j)      The quorum will be 4 Committee members.


k)    All decisions will be taken by a simple majority vote.


l)      Voting will be restricted to Committee members present.  Each will have one vote, except that, in the event of an equality of votes, the person in the chair will have a second and casting vote.


m)   Proposals may be put to the Committee via email by any two Officers, one acting as a proposer and the other as a seconder to the proposal. Votes should be received by the Secretary within five working days. Each Committee member will have one vote, except that, in the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman will have a second and casting vote.


8)    Finances


a)     The income and property of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Objects.


b)     The Committee is responsible for the finances of the Association.


c)     All money received by the Association shall be paid into a current account or deposit account at such bank as shall from time to time be decided by the Committee.


d)     All payments from any bank account held by the Association shall be authorised by two Committee members who have been nominated as signatories.


e)     There will be no less than three and no more than five signatories nominated by the Committee at any one time.


f)     An Officer may pay out of, or be reimbursed from, the property of the Association any reasonable expense properly incurred in acting on behalf of the Association.


g)     The Committee will be responsible for the proper keeping of accounting records for the Association


h)    The Treasurer will be responsible for the preparation of an Annual Financial Report for the Association which shall be agreed by Committee and presented at the AGM.


i)      At the specific request of the Committee or if voted at AGM, the Annual Financial Report and supporting records shall be audited or reviewed.


j)      The Annual Financial Report shall as a minimum consist of an Income and Expenditure statement for the financial year compared to the previous year and a financial commentary for the period.


k)    The financial year of the Association shall end on the last day of July each year.


l)      The use of any surpluses of the Association in any financial year will be agreed  by the Committee so as to ensure:

                                      i.     The maintenance of a minimum cash reserve as agreed by the Committee but to be no less than £8,000;

                                     ii.     The maintenance (by repair or replacement) of the property or equipment of the Association;

                                   iii.     The furtherance of the Objects of the Association


9)    Amendment


a)     Any provision contained in this constitution or the constitution as a whole may be amended, provided that any such amendment is or amendments are made by resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a General Meeting.


10) Dissolution


a)     A resolution to dissolve the Association shall be passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a General Meeting.


b)     If the Members resolve to dissolve the Association then the current Officers will remain in office and be responsible for winding up the affairs of the Association in accordance with this clause.

i)               The Officers must collect all assets of the Association and discharge, or make provision for, all liabilities of the Association.

ii)             The Officers must apply the net assets of the Association in accordance with the objects of the Association.

iii)            The Members may pass a resolution before or at the same time as the resolution to dissolve the Association specifying the manner in which the Officers are to apply the net assets of the Association.

iv)            In no circumstances shall assets of the Association be distributed to or among Members of the Association, except to or among Member Organisations with similar objects.