Website update and maintenance - Please check user details
We are working on improving and modernising the KJCA website in the next couple of months.As part of the updates, we hope to introduce a more streamlined registration process. However, in order to do this, we will be cleansing the database of all old information and will also delete any young players that are not linked to a parent/carer that has a contactable email address.
Please can you check that all user registrations on the KJCA website are up to date with the correct parents/carers name, email address and other details. It is also important to ensure that your children and young players are linked to your account.
To update you profile:
1. Login with your registration details
2. Go to the 'account ' tab in the menu bar
3. Click on the 'update user profile' under the operations on the right hand side of the page.
4. Update details as required
5. To add children who are not linked with your account, choose your child using the drop down at the bottom of the profile page.
6. Click save and exit
Please check profiles and update as necessary before the 18th of February, as we then start working on the database and improvements to the website.
This will be followed by an email to all remaining users including further details of improvements and updated terms and conditions.
Please note: All data that is currently on the KJCA website is what has been entered when registering for our events and coaching days and is in line with our website terms and conditions.
If you would like help with updating or removing any details, please contact